Young Leaders Club FAQ

Nothing! It is absolutely free for your school to start a club.

Depending on your region, one of our highly qualified organizers will be reaching out to and meeting with your clubs on a quarterly basis to check in and hear any successes or help with any needs. There will also be monthly, virtual office hours for school clubs to attend based on region. As always, you can always reach out to us as often as you need!

All clubs will be provided with their own online campus learning hub to help capture engagement and collect feedback. This data will help us in determining the efficacy of your club based on engagement.

Members of Jolt clubs across the state will have first access to attend any training events offered by our organization throughout the year such as Levantate Leadership and Arriba Las Mujeres. Additionally, our monthly office hours will provide students the opportunity to connect with clubs in their regions.

Jolt has plenty of volunteer opportunities that exist outside of the walls of your school. Students are welcome to volunteer with Jolt by reaching out to their regional organizer. Students will engage in calls to action in our learning hub which will allow them to earn badges that equate to hours that can be signed off on by an advisor.

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